Friday, March 02, 2007

Tango with Egg

Well, I have to admit I have a little egg on my face. Elsbeth arrived two days ago (!). She stepped off the airplane more than a little bedraggled. She arrived via frequent flyer miles which meant that, unfortunately, she got routed on the only available seat which was through New York! This meant over 20 hours in traveling here, but when it´s practically free one can´t complain.

We went out for dinner. In my blog I´ve been mildly complaining about the lack of quality in the food I´ve eaten in both Uruguay and Buenos Aires. We walked along a neighboring street. I pointed out several places and said let´s eat here or let´s eat there. Elsbeth rejected every one of them and instead picked out something that looked no different to me than any of the others. Except, of course, the food turned out to be OUTSTANDING. To top it all off, we celebrated with a bottle of Argentine wine that cost more than our two dinners combined. However, it was truly awesome. For the knowledgable in crowd, it was Escorihuda Gascon Syrah-Malbec. For the rest of Elsbeth´s stay we are only dining in places she picks out.

Last night we took in the tango show at the Carlos Gardel Theater. Carlos Gardel is the one and only original singer of tango music. He was to tango what the Beatles were for rock and roll, or Elvis to country rock, or whatever. It was a combination dinner and show. There were about 20 dancers, two singers, a 7 piece orchestra/band. It was quite a show. We came away sufficiently motivated that, of all things, we are going out tonight to one of the many, many places that offer tango lessons. After I step on Elsbeth´s feet several times, the glamor of the whole thing may wear off a bit.

Today, we paid the mandatory visit to the fascinating Cemetery in Recoleta where Eva Peron is buried. After that, we also took in the Eva Peron museum and the Carlos Gardel museum.

Hasta luego!



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